Professional Articles
Below you will find publications written by Huacheng employees, or published with their participation. The hierarchical tree structure will take you directly to the individual subject areas.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Corporate Financing
Industrial and regional articles
Passing on the fire - Shaping the future of your company
Based on their own entrepreneurial experience as well as on their functions as executive respectively supervisory board members at HuaYu, the authors shed light on the multifaceted topics of corporate succession. A symbiosis of entrepreneurial and scientific perspectives resulted in a so far unique oeuvre - written in intelligible speech – which assists in the timely and sound preparation and successful execution of the transfer of business.
Passing on the fire II - M&A means advising entrepreneurs and enterprises
Good M&A requires in-depth knowledge of the industry, protects the future of the company and establishes the transfer from one entrepreneur to the next.
Maintaining the good and future-oriented during change, yet at the same time remaining open for the new is a difficult balancing act. For this reason, the title of the book is inspired by an old proverb:
”Tradition is not preserving the ashes, but passing on the flame.“
It is up to the new entrepreneur to keep the fire, which he bought, burning, to develop initiative, to motivate and to create.
80 insights of an accomplished entrepreneur - views and suggestions resulting from 40 years of passionate entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial commitment and passion characterizes this book. Only a few foreign managers have experienced a comparably long and comprehensive presence as head of an internationally expanding company like Xie. This is demonstrated in all 80 views. »Business Environments« and »Markets«, »Corporate Finance«, »Globalization«, »Day-to-Day Business« and economic topics: She does not hold back and speaks a clear language with tact and social skills. In addition to the always dominant perspective of an experienced entrepreneur, the book leaves room to experience strategy and operations from other angles.
A book full of passion and expertise which contains the essential touch of toughness, a quality successful entrepreneurs have to practice these days; maybe more than they want to.